US-Brazil Workshop on Biosensors and 5th Bioanalytical School
- Bioanalytics to Device Integration -
The National Institute of Science and Technology in Bioanalysis (INCTBio) (http://inct.cnpq.br/web/inct-bio/home/), has been established in Brazil with funding from CNPq. INCTBio comprises 38 research groups from several Brazilian universities, and is involved with (a) development of analytical tools for the study of biological systems, (b) development of biosensors for the detection of biomarkers for diagnosis, and (c) discoveries of new biologically active compounds for faster diagnosis of diseases. One of the objectives of the institute is to train the next generation of Brazilian scientists in bioanalytics and to be leaders in the development of analytical tools necessary for clinical diagnosis, biochemical and pharmacological analysis.
The proposed workshop sets the stage for such a platform, specifically targeting scientists from Brazil who are working in the area of bioanalytics, biocompatible protein-based and other nanomaterials, and US scientists involved with semiconductor technology, novel optical and electrical detection, and processes involving scalable integration of circuits. The complementary skills of researchers from the two countries will enable a holistic approach towards the development and integration of low-cost diagnostic tools that will have a great impact on global health.
The dinner reception on Nov. 8 will be at:
Baby Beef Jardim, Santo Andre:
About 70 applicants will be selected to participate in the Bioanalytical School. The selection will be based on the merit of their application, the relevance of the academic work and studies related to the bioanalytical school themes.
Thus, applicants must fill out a poster abstract, a motivation letter indicating the expected benefits for the applicant’s academic work and studies. All material should be submitted in English.
Abstract submission and registration deadline: October 24, 2017.
The selection will be finished and announced by October 27, 2017.
The list of selected applicants will be notified by email.

University of Missouri - Columbia

Kent State University

University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign

Federal University of ABC Santo André, SP.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Wendel Andrade Alves e-mail: wendel.alves@ufabc.edu.br

The School: The Bioanalytical School will be conducted in English. According to the Scientific Program students will actively participate in discussing their ongoing work during the school through:
Poster Session: there will be two posters sections dedicated to the Students and Researchers presentation.
November 08-10, 2017
Venue: Avenida dos Estados, 5001 - Bairro Santa Terezinha – Bloco A (Anfiteatro 101)
Santo André - CEP: 09210-580
Organized by Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Wendel Andrade Alves e-mail: wendel.alves@ufabc.edu.br
November 08-10, 2017
Universidade Federal do ABC
Santo André, SP - Brazil